A Brief Introduction to Troopin Cordyceps
Troopin cordyceps (Cordyceps militaries ) is also called north Chinese caterpillar fungus, north awe to in China. It belongs to Corcyceps, Clavicipitales, Pyrenomycetes, Ascomycotina, Troopin cordyceps and awe to that is widely known in China are both Corcyceps, because it’s a typical breed in Cordyceps, its widely received by the scholars all over the world. The artificial cultivation of Troopin cordyceps has achieved success and a series of produces has been opened up. This will open a new route for nourishing food and functional food. In pace with development of science and technology, the cultivation and processing of Troopin cordyceps would have brilliant prospects.
As cultivating Troopin cordyceps, firstly inoculating spawn in medium to form a large number of conidiums. Secondly, choosing conidiums to make suspended spore liquid by aseptic water, then inoculate it at host, which means pupa. Protect the pupa until it become stiff. Then put the stiff pupa in simulated natural environment like wild Troopin cordyceps in it and culture it. The seed stand that grows from pupa will be exactly alike as from wild pupa.
The detailed method of operation follows:
- Screening strain Rejuvenate Troopin cordyceps through live pupas to screen a spawn which sensitizer is strong and easy to form spores.
- Making suspended spore liquid Inoculate the strain in medium and culture it at 20°C. When conidiums produce, choose a part of it to make suspended spore liquid by aseptic water. It will be used later.
- Preparing hosts Disinfect with smoke after the silkworms go up a small bundle of straw to spin cocoons on. Cut open the cocoon and take the pupa a week later. Clean out the bad and sick pupas. Choose healthy pupas in growth phase. Or choose the five-years-old silkworms to be hosts which have not gone up a small bundle of straw to spin cocoons on.
- Inoculation Sting into the pupa by an inoculation needle, which has dipped in spores suspended liquid. The rate of infection may be upon 95%.
- Protecting the pupas which have been infected Spread out the pupas which have been infected in a big round shallow basket, protect the pupas to stiff at indoor temperature.
- Breeding the fruit body Imitate natural environment of Troopin cordyceps. Culture the stiff pupas to form fruit body. The method is covering the stiff pupas with a coat of porous material such as bits of sponge, small piece of coal, etc. Breed the fruit body under circumstances of indoor temperature and 95% air humidity.
- Directive breeding of fruit body The purpose of directive breeding of fruit body is to make the fruit body long and stiff. The method is stick the upward head of pupa into porous material such as sponge, breed it under the aforementioned conditions.
- Collecting and preserving the strain of Troopin cordyceps Dig up the fruit body as it has been matured, clean it and disinfect its body with edible alcohol. Then dry it at 60°C. Seal up and store it at a cool, dark, and arid place.
Troopin cordyceps cultured in fore mentioned way, it needs 35-45 days from inoculation to mature period of the fruit body. It will harvest 50g-350g per square meter. According to examination, Cordyceps militaris artificial cultured has a great deal of awe to acid, awe to element, amino acid, trace element and alkaloid, etc. It can enrich the marrow, resist cancer, calm and diminish inflammation, stop blooding and reduce phlegm. It has a good curative effect to nephritis, hepatitis, asthma and neurasthenia.