On the page is a photo of a pressure gauge. It shows that at about 1 inch of water differential pressure our Type A filter begins to breathe.
The video below shows air bubbles coming through the filter with it about 1 inch under plain water (about the same pressure).
Our Type B and T filters breathe much more.
No need to be concerned about the transmissibility of our filter patches. They have been tested in the lab and proven by hundreds of mushroom growers around the world.
If you have any questions or concerns about mushrooms, spawn, bags, filters or any of our products, you can reach Lou directly through our contact page or by commenting below.
— Customer Service, Unicorn Bags LLC
7 Responses
What type of filter is for making mycelium and what type filter is for substrate) of shitake)
Based on ambient conditions – temperature, humidity, cleanliness, etc – the “A” filter could be used for both but it typically takes testing to determine the optimized filter selection.
I am curious as to which bags I would need for 5-10 pounds of substrate(compost) per bag.
Dear Lou,
I am an aspiring commercial mushroom grower. What filters (Type A, B or T) would you suggest for spawn growth, as well as mushroom production? I am looking to model my business after Southwest Mushrooms (AZ).
Based on ambient conditions – temperature, humidity, cleanliness, etc – the “A” filter could be used for both but it typically takes testing to determine the optimized filter selection.
Hi I’m using millet for cubensis and need to know what filter type.
T, A. Or M,,,
Based on ambient conditions – temperature, humidity, cleanliness, etc – the “A” filter could be used for both but it typically takes testing to determine the optimized filter selection. The T filter offers optimal contamination protection.